7 Easy Ways to Live More Sustainably

Surfini, Indian-shot & PeeGee hydrangea plants at Honor’s Haven

It’s always a great time to recommit ourselves to a hopeful future and greater sustainability. 

Learn about our Greener Hospitality Initiatives here.

And check out this quick list of seven easy things you can do to start living a more sustainable life.

  1. Eat less meat. The meat industry is one of the largest contributors to climate change. Enjoying a more plant-based diet is more environmentally friendly and can be healthier for you, too!
  2. Use cloth napkins and towels/rags to clean, instead of paper, and look for more environmentally friendly cleansers.  
  3. If you can, take the stairs instead of the elevator. You’ll save energy and get a little bonus cardio, too. 
  4. Turn off your computer when you’re done using it for the day. It still uses energy when it’s asleep or on standby. 
  5. Spend more time outside. In addition to the mind/body benefits of fresh air and vitamin D-rich sunshine, you’ll be saving energy — just be sure to turn off the lights and turn down the heat/ac on the way out the door!
  6. Buy less “fast fashion.” Instead of buying lots of cheaper clothes that wear out after a season, invest in a few durable pieces that you know you’ll love for years. Also avoid any “out-there” styles that are trendy now, but are likely to be completely “unwearable” next year. 
  7. Don’t accept or use plastic utensils. Get in the habit of carrying your own set in your purse, bag, or briefcase — wrapped in a cloth napkin, of course.


Interested in learning more about sustainable living?
Check out these two retreats:

Women holding an essential bag near Honor’s Haven RetreatLiving Essentials
Find Your Essentials. Live with Less.


A women planting in a garden near Honor’s Haven RetreatMinimalist's Getaway
Create a Simple Life With More Space for Freedom