Honor’s Haven Highlights: What Are the 120 Steps?
A Landmark of Longevity and Hope
The 120 Steps is not just a long series of stairs leading up to a picturesque platform in the hillside woods at Honor’s Haven. It’s not just a beautiful spot to practice meditation and qigong surrounded by nature. And it’s not just a physical challenge that’s great cardio exercise.
The 120 Steps is also a decision: The decision that you will live 120 years, the longest possible lifespan of a human being. While it’s impossible to know how long you will actually live, it’s very possible to imagine the changes in your attitude, priorities, and outlook if you knew you would have such a long lifespan and real stake in the future.
How would you take care of your body if you knew you would live to be 120? How would you give your life meaning and purpose? How would you work to help the earth if you know that you’d be living on it for 120 years? How would your perceptions of history and the future change?
When you visit Honor’s Haven, be sure to climb the 120 Steps and see what new perspectives on life it gives you.